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by.dalang bro |
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Liliopsida
Order : Pandanales
Family : Pandanaceae
Genus : Pandanus
Species : P. Conoideus
Binomial name :Pandanus conoideus Lam.
By society Wamena, Papua, this fruit is called kuansu. Pandanus conoideus Lam scientific name for Red fruit crops including plant families pandanan with pandan-like pandanus trees, but plant height can reach 16 meters with its own branch-free stem height as high as 5-8 m, which strengthened the roots of Tunjang on the lower trunk.
Oval-shaped fruit cultivars with leaves covered with fruit buds. Red Fruit own men reaching 55 cm long, 10-15 cm diameter, and weighs 2-3 kg. The color is maroon when mature bright, even though there are plants that bear fruit brown and yellowish brown.
For people in Wamena, Red Fruit presented for grilled food on the customary party rock. However, many of them use it as medicine. Traditionally, red fruit from ancient times has been consumed for generations because efficacious in curing many diseases such as preventing various eye diseases, intestinal worms, skin, and increase stamina.
Cultivation pioneered by Nicolaas Maniagasi a local resident since 1983, and for his efforts was awarded the Prudential environment Award 2002.
This fruit is widely available in Jayapura, Manokwari, Nabire, and Wamena.
The content and properties
The research on treatment efficacy of red fruit was first performed by university faculty researchers in Jayapura namely Drs. I Made Budi M.S. as a nutritionist and university lecturers had carefully observed the traditional habit of people in Wamena, Timika and villages of mountainous areas Jayawijaya who eat red fruit. Observations on the local community entities, more robust and high stamina, and daily life in traditional native-paced and open restricted in dressing in the harsh natural conditions and bercuaca sometimes quite cold at altitude mountains. Physical Privileges population that is rarely affected by other degenerative diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer
By examining the content of nutritional composition, it was the intention of the Red Fruit juices contain lots of antioxidants (average content):
* Carotene (12,000 ppm)
* Beta-carotene (700 ppm)
* Tocopherol (11,000 ppm)
In addition to several other substances that increase endurance, among others: oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, dekanoat, Omega 3 and Omega 9 which are all active compounds antidote to the formation of free radicals in the body
Beta-carotene serves to slow the ongoing buildup of plaque in arteries. Thus blood flow to the heart and brain take place without obstruction. Interactions with proteins increase the production of antibodies. This increases the number of natural killer cells and increase T cell activity and lymphocyte Helpers. An excerpt studies prove beta-carotene consumption 30-60 mg / day for 2 months to make the body can reproduce natural cells exterminator disease. The increase in natural cells that suppress the presence of cancer cells because it can neutralize free radical compounds carcinogens cause cancer.
In some limited research conducted by I Made Budi direct treatment methods with Red Fruit, researchers revealed a very high success in treatment efforts carried out against several diseases.